Pozivi za slanje autorskih tekstova


Tekstove za časopis THEORIA, glasilo Hrvatskoga društva glazbenih teoretičara, možete slati cijele godine na adresu hdgt.ht@gmail.com. Upute za autore: http://hdgt.hr/wp-content/uploads/sites/184/2019/07/THEORIA-upute-za-autore.pdf

The French Society for Music Analysis (SFAM) is organising the SFAM/Musurgia 2023 article competition with, as in previous years, two financial prizes.

After a pre-selection by a jury composed of the editors-in-chief, the editorial board and the SFAM Presidence, two prizes will be awarded:
– The Jean-Jacques Nattiez prize, worth 1000€, will be awarded under his responsibility for an article written in French by a young researcher (up to 35 years old or having defended their PhD thesis within the last 5 years);
– The SFAM prize, worth 1000€, will be awarded under the responsibility of a committee of SFAM members for an article written in French or in English. This prize is open to all researchers, performers and composers, whether early career or more experienced.

Articles should be sent by email to the editors-in-chief (redactionmusurgia@gmail.com) by 15 September 2023 at the latest.

For more information, see: https://sfam.org/2023/04/concours-darticles-sfam-musurgia-2023/


Nathalie Hérold
French Society for Music Analysis (SFAM)