Kategorija: Međunarodni skupovi

Epistemologies of music analysis: What Theories, what Methods, for what Types of Music and in what Disciplinary and Cultural Contexts? Paris, 29. – 31. ožujka 2023.

https://ema-2023.sciencesconf.org/ The globalisation of culture has led to an unparalleled interaction between people, ideas and cultural production, including, of course, music. Such interconnectedness, enabled by digital technologies, has made us more aware of the broad range of music past and

🎉18. DANI TEORIJE GLAZBE – program i prijave

NOVE MREŽNE STRANICE KONFERENCIJE: https://sites.google.com/view/tmtt-2022-18-dani-teorije-glaz PRATITE SKUP NA ZOOMU: https://events.zoom.us/ev/AlvOXFHxIlRQeNLvx8k-2UyB_PzYD11373iGOThJSMgVsteArhvX~AggLXsr32QYFjq8BlYLZ5I06Dg?lmt=1668630070000 PRIJAVA NA SKUP: Kako biste prisustvovali skupu, molimo da se registrirate putem sljedećeg obrasca najkasnije do 15. studenoga 2022. https://forms.gle/y1n2ceqrpcmemFc86

13. međunarodni simpozij “Muzika u društvu”, Sarajevo, 7. – 10. 12. 2022. – produljen rok prijave

Novi rok – Poziv za radove: 13. MEĐUNARODNI SIMPOZIJ “MUZIKA U DRUŠTVU” MEĐUNARODNI SIMPOZIJ “MUZIKA U DRUŠTVU” Sarajevo, 07-10.12.2022. Poziv za radove – NOVI ROK ZA PRIJAVE: 30. 8. 2022!   13th  INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM “MUSIC IN SOCIETY” Sarajevo, 07-12 December

18. DTG: Poziv na prijavu izlaganja

18. DANI TEORIJE GLAZBE: POUČAVANJE TEORIJE GLAZBE DANAS Međunarodna konferencija prigodom 25. obljetnice osnutka Hrvatskoga društva glazbenih teoretičara (HDGT) Zagreb, 19. i 20. studenoga 2022. NOVE MREŽNE STRANICE KONFERENCIJE: https://sites.google.com/view/tmtt-2022-18-dani-teorije-glaz PRIJAVA NA SKUP: Kako biste prisustvovali skupu, molimo da se registrirate

18th DMT: Call for Submissions

18th DAYS OF MUSIC THEORY: TEACHING MUSIC THEORY TODAY International Conference on the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the Croatian Association of Music Theorists (HDGT) Zagreb, 19 – 20 November 2022 Call for Submissions PDF Information for presenters The Croatian

Newcastle Music Analysis Conference (NewMAC 2022) – conference & workshop

Newcastle Music Analysis Conference (NewMAC 2022) NewMAC 2022 will take place from Monday 11 to Wednesday 13 July 2022 at the International Centre for Music Studies, Newcastle University. The programme committee invites proposals on any aspect of theory or analysis, relating to

Interdisciplinarity of Music Theory: knowledge of music between history, poetics, theories and criticism, Belgrade, 7-9 October 2022

Interdisciplinarity of Music Theory: knowledge of music between history, poetics, theories and criticism, Belgrade, 7-9 October 2022 Call for Papers Belgrade, 7-9 October 2022 Faculty of Music University of Arts in Belgrade, Serbia

15th International Congress on Musical Signification (ICMS), Barcelona, lipanj 2022.

PRETKONFERENCIJSKI PROGRAM: 1. – 3. rujna 2021. – online:  https://rosaroda.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Additional-programme-to-15-ICMS_2021_v2.pdf 15. KONGRES ICMS-a: odgođen za 15. – 19. lipnja 2022.  https://rosaroda.com/15th-international-congress-on-musical-signification/ http://www.esmuc.cat/index.php/eng/Other-formative-activities-and-programs/Jornades-i-tallers/15th-International-Congress-on-Musical-Signification ICMS 15, organized by Eero Tarasti and Joan Grimalt, will take place at the Escola Superior de Música

18th International Conference on Music Theory and Analysis, Rimini, 28. – 31. listopada 2021.

18th International Conference on Music Theory and Analysis 28-29-30-31 October 2021, ISSM “G. Lettimi”, Via Cairoli 44, Rimini (Italy) Call for Papers The Italian Gruppo Analisi e Teoria Musicale (GATM), in cooperation with the Sagra Malatestiana and the Municipality of

10. europska konferencija za analizu glazbe EuroMAC 10, Moskva, 20. – 24. rujna 2021.

KNJIŽICA SAŽETAKA PDF PROGRAM PDF Još jedna poveznica na program i knjižicu: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15CvYRYy1rzUpb2MaXWCQ51eI3mZJxzdN?usp=sharing Poveznice za praćenje programa na daljinu objavljivat će se na stranici https://euromac.mosconsv.ru/en/home-0 PLENARNO IZLAGANJE HDGT-a održat će se u utorak, 21. rujna 2021. u 11 h po našem

XVII. International Congress of the German Musicological Society, Bonn, 28. 9. – 1. 10. 2021.

Zbog epidemiološke situacije odgođeno za 2021.! Upon invitation of the Department of Musicology/Sound Studies of the University of Bonn and the Beethoven Archive of the Beethoven House Bonn, the four-yearly international congress of the Gesellschaft für Musikforschung 2020 will take

BrumMAC 2020 (2021): Society for Music Analysis’s Conference, Birmingham, 29. – 31. srpnja 2021.

ZBOG EPIDEMIOLOŠKE SITUACIJE KONFERENCIJA JE ODGOĐENA ZA 2021.! We are very happy to announce that the Department of Music at the University of Birmingham will be hosting the Society for Music Analysis’s Conference 29-31 July 2021 (‘BrumMAC 2020’). We are also

International HarMA Seminar Event, Budimpešta, 28. – 30. travnja 2021.

http://harma.eu.com seminar za nastavnike teorije i analize glazbe, moguće sudjelovanje u okviru programa Erasmus+ Zbog epidemiološke situacije seminar, prvotno zakazan za travanj 2020., održat će se u travnju 2021. LANDSCAPE OF TEACHING PRACTICES AND PEDAGOGICAL INNOVATIONS IN MUSIC THEORY FIELDS

Inovativne metode poučavanja u umjetničkom području, Osijek, 23. i 24. listopada 2020.

http://www.uaos.unios.hr/16449-2/ Me􏰀đunarodnim znanstvenim i umjetničkim simpozijem o pedagogiji u umjetnosti želimo potaknuti umjetnike i znanstvenike, koji pedagoški djeluju u različitim okvirima umjetničkog i odgojno-obrazo- vnog rada na nova istraživanja, uspostavljanje novih oblika suradnje te na taj način utjecati na znača-

20. godišnji kongres GMTH-a, Detmold, 2. – 4. listopada 2020. (online)

Musik verstehen? 20. godišnji kongres GMTH-a (Gesellschaft für Musiktheorie – društvo za teoriju glazbe njemačkoga govornog područja) održat će se na Visokoj školi za glazbu u Detmoldu od 2. do 4. listopada 2020., u cijelosti online. Tema kongresa je Razumjeti glazbu? (Musik verstehen),

Workshop Analysis and Interpretation, Barcelona, 28. i 29. veljače 2020.

https://www.atam.cat/ws20/ Workshop Analysis and Interpretation 28 and 29 February 2020 Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya (ESMUC) Edifici de l’Auditori, c/Padilla 155, 08013 Barcelona The Associació de Teoria i Anàlisi Musicals (ATAM), in collaboration with the Escola Superior de Música

Beethoven 2020: Analytical and Performative Perspectives, Amsterdam, 29. veljače – 1. ožujka 2020.

https://europeanmusictheory.files.wordpress.com/2019/10/amsterdam2020cfp.pdf međunarodna konferencija Nizozemsko-flamanskoga društva za teoriju glazbe Beethoven 2020: Analytical and Performative Perspectives Dutch-Flemish Society for Music Theory 29 February – 1 March 2020 Conservatorium van Amsterdam Amsterdam, The Netherlands Call for Papers The Dutch-Flemish Society for Music Theory,

International Conference on Musical Form, Newcastle, 30. lipnja – 1. srpnja 2020. – odgođeno do daljnjega

ZBOG EPIDEMIOLOŠKE SITUACIJE KONFERENCIJA JE ODGOĐENA DO DALJNJEGA! Call for papers: International Conference on Musical Form 30 June – 1 July 2020, Copthorne Hotel, Newcastle Organised by the Society for Music Analysis Formal Theory Study Group (FTSG), in association with

Musicology and Its Future in Times of Crises, Zagreb, 27. i 28. studenoga 2020.

Nastavnici i suradnici Odsjeka za muzikologiju Muzičke akademije Sveučilišta u Zagrebu proslavit će 50. obljetnicu osnutka odsjeka u tjednu od 23. do 29. studenoga 2020. godine nizom tematskih događanja, predavanja i radionica za stručnu i ostalu zainteresiranu javnost te međunarodnim
